This page is a perpetual work in progress. As new information about Mainline emerges, I will endeavour to add it. 1919 Alfred Edward Pallett founds 'The Cascelloid Company' in Britannia St, Leicester, with the intention of manufacturing 'fancy goods' (including toys) in celluloid and other plastics. [1] 1920 Woolworths begins placing orders for various products including the 'flitafast' windmill, the company's first toy. [1] 1925 First doll manufactured. [2] 1927 Fire destroys the Britannia Street works... 1976 The start of 1976 saw the formal announcement of the Mainline range. This announcement probably coincided with the major toy industry fair that traditionally took place in London in January. The 1976 catalogue (labelled 'vol 1') was launched around this time. "Really exciting news" was the Railway Modeller's opinion on the announcement that Palitoy was entering the RTR model railway market. The 2-page article in the February issue described the forthcoming locos, coaches and wagons and was illustrated with photos of hand-made mock-ups. The authors described the advanced samples as "very impressive" and "built to the standards of accuracy, detail and performance admired in the Continental product and sought after by enthusiasts in the British models."[8] By mid-76, there appear to have been problems getting the stock to the retailers. In the July Railway Modeller, C.A.B Models of Northampton state that "Despite the re-scheduled delivery dates, we are still accepting deposits". [9] The following month they removed all reference to Mainline or Airfix indicating, perhaps, that they were not hopeful of receiving stock anytime soon! [10] 1978 In August, the Railway Modeller reviewed the Courtaulds and BR Grey versions of the 7-plank wagon (37-151 & 37-152). They concluded that they were "...extremely well-detailed vehicles at a very reasonable price." They considered the GW brake van (37-155 & 37-156) which also found favour, the reviewer praising the crisp moulding and neat lettering. [5] The September issue of the Railway Modeller illustrated the models of 46100 Royal Scot in BR green, which had been received almost simultaneously from Airfix (54-121) and Mainline (37-057). The accompanying note highlighted the major difference between the two - loco drive vs. tender drive. [6] The following month, the loco was given a more comprehensive review and in November the RM illustrated the loco in LMS lined black (37-056). They praised the 'austere but authentic' choice of livery. [7] Also in November, the Model Railway Constructor reviewed the 57' LMS coaches (37-109 & 37-110). They pronounced them the " proprietary English coach models to come to the market..." and well worth the wait. [3] They also reviewed two new coke wagons (37-157 & 37-158), which they considered "very worthy additions" to the range and a tanker (37-153) which they thought "excellent". [4] The same quintet of models were covered by the Railway Modeller the following month. The wagons were considered to "...represent near perfection at a reasonable price" while the coaches were " object lesson that, if the manufacturer does his 'homework', volume-produced railway models can be both attractive and accurate." [11] The same issue contained an attractive full-page advertisement for the Royal Scot and an article entitled 'Advanced Fair News' gave a hint about two forthcoming models - an LMS 4-6-0 and a Western-Region diesel.[12] We'd later find out that these were the Jubilee and Warship respectively. 1979 The year began with a flurry of activity. The January issue of the Railway modeller contained a preview of the Toy and Hobby Fair to be held at Earls Court, London later that month. Within this article, a whole page was devoted to Mainline announcements. The imminent arrival of the Warship and Jubilee was confirmed and samples were also available of the GWR Collett 0-6-0 (2251 class). A dozen new wagons were described and illustrated - four hoppers, two tankers, three 7-plank wagons, two coke wagons and a 5-plank wagon (37-159 to 37-170). Whilst the majority were new liveries for existing models (the writer praised Mainline's standards of printing and lettering), the Hopper was a new model. The article finished with the information that Mainline had a bogie bolster, a "bogie fruit van" and a new passenger coach in development. [13] A few pages later, pre-production samples of the GWR 2251 were given an initial review. [14] Both GW (37-058) and BR (37-059) versions were considered. The reviewer praised the dimensional accuracy, crisp moulding and 'daylight' under the boiler but felt the protrusion of the motor into the cab was a little "behind current trends". As these were pre-production samples, the running qualities were not assessed.
The Toy Fair previews continued in the February issue. [15] An early sample of the Jubilee was shown and details were given of the planned LMS (37-061) and BR (37-062) versions. In a similar fashion the Warship diesel was pictured and the BR blue (37-063) and BR green (37-064) liveries mentioned. Other soon-to-arrive models illustrated were the bogie bolster, the 12T fruit van (no longer a bogie wagon!) and the Mk1 Restaurant coach (RB). The restaurant coach (37-113 and 37-114) was notable for its 'Commonwealth' bogies and the "new moulding technique that means that the windows will be almost flush with the sides". The arrival of the 57' LMS passenger stock in BR crimson/cream livery (37-111 and 37-112) was also presaged. The excitement continued into March. The Railway Modeller published improved pictures of the Jubilee (BR Green) and Warship (BR Blue) and gave names and number for the two versions of each that had been announced. The two BR green models would, it reported, feature an improved 'eggshell' finish. Further details of the Mk1 Restaurant/Buffet were given and the Crimson/Cream 57' ex-LMS stock was illustrated and described. The GWR Macaw B was shown in both GWR (37-172) and BR (37-171) guises. Finally, a picture of the Royal Scot in preservation-era LMS Crimson was shown (37-060), although no mention of it was made in the text! [16] The GWR version of the 2251 class (37-058) was treated to a full page advert which boldly stated that the only other Collett 0-6-0 that would stand comparison with the Mainline model was the sole-remaining full size locomotive on the Severn Valley Railway! [19] Mainline continued to accrue the Railway Modeller column inches in April, with illustrations of the BR blue/grey Mk1 RB, 57' composite in crimson/cream and Warship in BR green. The intention to introduce a model of the re-built LMS Patriot was also reported. [17]. Also in the April edition, a report of a 're-dedication' ceremony for LMS Royal Scot no. 6115. The accompanying photograph showed W. A. G. Pugh, Palitoy's Director of Design, Research and Development presenting a Mainline model of 6115 (37-056) to Pipe Major McDonald of the Scots Guards regiment. Based on the typical lead times associated with magazine publication, this event most probably took place around February. [18] The 57' ex-LMS coaches were illustrated for a third consecutive month in May(!), with a short accompanying review that praised the "authentic livery" and provision of 'No Smoking' and 'First Class' window notices. [20] The arrival of the 1979 catalogue was also noted, presumably this occured around March. The December issue of the Railway Modeller gave a preview of some of the items to be announced at the Toy & Trade fair the following January. These included " exciting new electronic feature..." which would ...definitely not be another two-wire control system... (a reference to the recently introductions of 'Zero-1' by Hornby and a competitor system by Airfix) but would instead ...add a new dimension to model railway layouts.". This was, of course, the steam sound module (37-xxx). Other forthcoming models included a GWR 4-6-0 that would "...not be a Castle or a King..." (it was the Manor, 37-xxx and yyy) and a number of reliveries for existing locos (Warship, Collett Goods etc.). The release of the J72 model in the guise of the preserved example 69023 (37-067) was keenly anticipated. No new coaches were expected but two new wagons, including a parcels van, were expected. [21] 1980 The February Railway Modeller devoted a page to illustrating and describing a number of the models previewed the previous December and announced at the Earls Court Toy & Trade fair. The steam sound module would initially be only available pre-installed in a version of the Rebuilt Royal Scot loco (37-xxx). The GWR 4-6-0 was revealed as a Manor and the BR liveried version was shown. Also shown were new liveries for the LMS Patriot (37-xxx and yyy), LNER J72 (37-067) and Warship (37-073). The two wagons turned out to be the GW Well Wagon and the 50' Parcels van (mistakenly listed as a 57' van!). [22] In April, Mainline used a full-page advert in the Railway Modeller entitled 'First class only' to illustrate the "superior detail" that distinguished the latest additions to the Mainline range. Warship D823 (37-073) and Patriot 45540 (37-xxx) were shown to their best advantage. [23] The same issue reviewed another Patriot, no. 5530 in LMS lined black livery (37-xxx). The reviewer praised the inclusion of "...all the fine detail we would expect..." indicating, perhaps, that the authenticity that characterised the Mainline range was now well-established and rapidly becoming 'the norm'. June saw Mainline advertising their Steam Sound modules in the Railway Modeller. Since it's initial annoucement at the end of the year, the range of sound-equipped locos available had expanded with two Patriots (37-xxx and 37-yyy) joining the previously-mentioned Royal Scot (37-xxx). [25] The review section saw their latest Warship (37-073) go head-to-head with its rival from Lima, both of which were described as "excellent". [26] The reliveried Collett 0-6-0 in BR lined green (37-xxx) was reviewed on the following page. [27] References
[1] V&A Museum of Childhood - Palitoy - |